
Tullow oil explains operations to Western Regional Chiefs.

Thu, 5 Mar 2009 Source: GNA

Takoradi, March 5 -GNA-Mr Allan Dowokpor, the Well Manager of Tullow Ghana Limited has stated that the company has completed the exploration of the Jubilee Field and that it is to be develop to produce oil. "There may be further phases of exploration and development and it is estimated that the field could have a 20 to 30 year lifespan", he said.

Mr Dowokpor said this at a meeting with chiefs in the Western Region at Sekondi on the phase one of the jubilee field development . He explained that, the jubilee field in Ghana was discovered offshore Ghana in 2007 adding that, "It is an underground oil and gas reserve which is located approximately 1,100 meters of water within the deepwater of Tano River and Cape Three Point".

According to him, the development of the field requires drilling a series of production wells and the installation of processing facilities. "The phase one project will develop primarily the west side of the field which comprises of a series of nine production, three gas injection and five water wells", he said. He added that, information on the size and nature of the oil and gas reserves obtained during the phase one will inform any future development phases.

Mr Dowokpor said oil from the wells will be processed on the Floating Production, Storage and Offloading (FPSO) and the crude oil will be stored on board. Also, he said some of the gas will be produced from the wells and this will be used for power generation on the FPSO and the rest will be injected back into the wells to maintain well pressure. He pointed out that an emergency response plan will be developed to protect life, the environment and property in an event of emergency. He said the plan will cover medical evacuation, search and rescue, fire prevention and protection adding; "there will also be an oil spill response plan with actions to prevent spillage". Okyeame Ampadu-Agyei, the Corporate Social Response (CSR) Social Advisor of Tullow Ghana Limited said the company will focus on Health, Education, Enterprise Development and Biodiversity Conservation for the people in the areas that they are operating. He said the company has come out with its guiding principles for work to be effective and these are respect for Ghana and its socio-cultural diversity, honesty and accountability as well as sustainability programmes.

The President of the Western Regional House of Chiefs, Awulae Attibrukusu III urged Tullow Ghana Limited and its partners to employ some of the local people and ensure good environmental and sanitation practices. He encouraged them to pay fair compensation to land owners or people who may be affected by their operations. "Where resettlement is involved, consultation with the affected community and other stakeholders should be taken seriously", he advised.

Source: GNA