
UMaT and Water Resources Commission train over 500 people in water resource management

Water Resource Management Training Participants of the training

Fri, 22 Mar 2024 Source: Thomas Tetteh

Water resource management plays a very important role in maintaining vibrant,

resilient, and peaceful societies. According to USAID, it is increasingly

becoming important as climate change, pollution, and rising demand continue

to increase water stress.

Recognizing the key role local communities play in the sustainability of water, the Faculty of Geosciences and Environmental Studies of the University of Mines and Technology and the Ankobra Basin Secretariat of the Water Resources Commission have organized a one-day training program for local community stakeholders in water resource management.

Over 500 participants were drawn from Tarkwa Nsuaem, Prestea Huni Valley and

Wassa East District.

The program enlightened key stakeholders in local communities on water-related

issues to empower local community members to become agents of change. It is

expected to encourage local communities to adopt efficient strategies to ensure

that water resources are sustainable and used efficiently.

This program formed part of activities to mark the World Water Day celebration

observed each year on March 22 by the United Nations.

The Dean of the Faculty of Geosciences and Environmental Studies of UMaT, Prof

Anthony Ewusi explained that the University collaborated with the Water

Resources Commission to train the community members on water in order to

protect the water resources available in the community.

He noted that the water bodies had been destroyed and there was a need to

educate community members to protect them and prevent further destruction.

The Ankobra Basin Officer for the Water Resources Commission, Francis

Acquah Swanzy noted that the training will equip the trainees with the necessary skills to manage water facilities in their communities.

The training program was sponsored by AngloGold Ashanti Iduapriem Mine,

Goldfields Ghana Foundation, Ghana Manganese Company, and Golden Star.

Source: Thomas Tetteh