
University College of Management Studies to introduce Masters Programmes

Tue, 3 Jul 2012 Source: GNA

University College of Management Studies (UCOMS) would soon introduce Masters Degree Programmes as part of its new post-graduate programmes to respond to the high professional demand on the global market.

Dr Sazrar Opata, Chairman of the Board of Directors of UCOMS said the programmes which would include Marketing, Human Resource Management, Logistics and Supply Chain Management had already been given approval by the Board.

He said a Committee had been set up by the Board to develop the programme document for presentation to National Accreditation Board (NAB).

Dr Opata announced this at the second congregation of the University during which 224 students were awarded degrees in Bachelor of Science in Accounting, Human Resources Management, Banking and Finance and Procurement and Supply Chain Management.

Out of the number, 23 students had first class, 105 had second class upper, 82 had second class lower while 18 had third class and one student had a pass.

Dr Opata said the university had developed a programme to solve the declining enrolment of Senior High School graduates who were not able to meet the admission requirements set by NAB.

He said such students would be admitted to a year innovative course dubbed ‘Undergraduate Foundation Course programme’ to help them correct their deficiencies to meet the criteria by NAB to be duly enrolled in UCOMS Degree programmes.

Dr Opata said the current increase of female to male students and the impressive performance of female students had called for the institution of an award to motivate them.

In this regard, the Board has initiated an award for the best graduating female student to encourage females in tertiary education.

In addition, the increased number of foreign students from the ECOWAS Sub-Region has encouraged the Board to institute an award for best graduating foreign student.

Dr Opata said the university had planned to set up a centre to collect information on ECOWAS to enable students appreciate the role of ECOWAS trade opportunities and businesses for accelerated economic integration of neighbouring countries.

He urged the graduates to put the knowledge acquired to the service of humanity and develop good working habits, hard work and be committed to their duties.

Dr Opata admonished them to use their education to enlighten all who come their way, saying, they should serve as the "Flame which overcomes darkness of ignorance in the country".

Dr Henry Fram Akplu, Rector of UCOMS, highlighting on the achievements of the university said UCOMS was adjudged the winner at the 2010 and 2011 Student in Free Enterprise local competition and reaching the semi-finals of the competition World Cup in USA and Malaysia.

He pledged UCOMS' commitment to provide world class learning environment to students who desired to have quality education.

UCOMS is also putting in place pragmatic measures to expand and diversify its academic programmes to prepare students to fit into the global market.

Dr Akplu said there were plans to expand facilities to accommodate desired expansion in programmes being offered.

He congratulated the graduates and charged them to cultivate an attitude that would help them flourish wherever they find themselves.**

Source: GNA