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Uphold high moral values; graduates told

Fri, 27 Nov 2015 Source: GNA

Professor Mawutor Avoke, Vice Chancellor of the University of Education, Winneba, has urged university graduates to be ethical, hardworking and disciplined, wherever they found themselves.

He said they needed to combine their academic training with high moral values to bring change at the work place.

He was speaking at the 10th congregation of the University’s College of Technology Education in Kumasi.

Prof Avoke warned that they could ruin their careers and become complete liability to the society, if they became corrupted.

Three thousand, three hundred and sixty seven students (3,367) students, 635 of them post graduate, and the remaining 2,732 undergraduate, were awarded degrees and certificates for completing various programs.

Prof Avoke announced that the College of Technology, has been selected by Council for Technical and Vocational Education and Training, to run a competency-based training course under the Development of Skills Project.

The course, which would be funded by the African Development Bank (AfDB) and the Government of Ghana, was meant to address the manpower gap in competency-based education in the country.

The first batch of 160 students made up of teachers from polytechnics and technical institutions had already been admitted.

He also spoke of the support to some of the teaching staff to pursue doctoral degrees to enhance the quality of teaching.

Source: GNA