
Upper East CIAMC managers attend crises management workshop

Tue, 6 Dec 2005 Source: GNA

Bolgatanga, Dec 06, GNA - The Charted Institute of Administration And Management Consultants Ghana (CIAMC) at the weekend organised a one-day workshop on Crisis Management for 40 of its members drawn from organisations in the Upper East Region.

The purpose of the workshop was to equip the participants skills that would enable them to curb and manage crisis at workplaces. A lecturer of the University For Development Studies (UDS), Mr Francis Abaasi, took the Participants through the various types of crisis.

He named them as situational, maturational and existential, and urged the participants to always try to manage crisis at the very beginning before they escalate.

Mr Abaasi explained that if crisis were not managed and resolved at the initial stages, they could lead to the collapse of organisations. The National Executive Secretary of the association, Mr Samuel Mawusi Asafo, urged management of Organizations to sponsor and encourage their workers to get enrolled in CIAMC.

Source: GNA