
VEEP interacts with Agbogbloshie Market Women

Wed, 6 Aug 2014 Source: Maxwell Okamafo Addo

on Environmental and Sanitation issues

Vice President Kwesi Amissah- Arthur, on Tuesday morning continued with his visit to the Agbogbloshie Market and Kokomlemle.

Vice President Kwesi Amissah Arthur,who earlier on had paid a visit to the place on Monday night took the opportunity to interact with the market women at the Agbogbloshie Market in order to know their concerns and see the forward in keeping their environment clean..

The Vice President interacting with them said his visit has become necessary because of the increasing cholera cases and deaths in the Accra metropolis.

Vice President Kwesi Amissah Arthur advised them as citizens of the country to put all hands on deck and help the Accra Metropolitan Assembly deliver on environmental issues, so that the level of filth that has engulfed the city of Accra would be brought to an end .

.He said his visit was to also see the progress of the crash exercise that has began which would help clear all heaps of refuse in the metropolis to safeguard the health of the people.As government is trying to find a lasting solution to find a lasting solution to the problem

He was accompanied by the Greater Accra regional Minister , Nii Laryea Afotey Agbo, Minister of Local Government and Rural Development, Julius Debrah and his Deputy Nii Lante Vanderpuye, and the Mayor of Accra , Dr Oko Vanderpoje.

This morning the program that started last night with about 40 tipper trucks and other heavy equipment were deployed to the sites to quickly cart all the refuse was gradually progressing at a fast pace.

Some of the market women who the Vice President, interacted with thanked him for the visit and the education , and also put across some of their concerns to the Vice President , they promised to live up to expectation by championing the cause to help bring an end to the indiscriminate dumping of rubbish, so would liaise immediately with the AMA to help solve the problem.

Some of them also blamed the truck pushers as the worst offenders who are engaged in this act.

Source: Maxwell Okamafo Addo