
Valley View University excels in international competition

Wed, 22 Oct 2014 Source: GNA

Students from the Valley View University (VVU) have excelled at this year’s Global Management Challenge (GMC) as they qualified for the finals of the competition in Russia.

The Global Management Challenge is the world’s largest strategy and management competition operating since the late 1970s and currently in 40 countries.

A statement copied to the Ghana News Agency on Tuesday by the VVU said the GMC consisted of a strategy and management online based simulation targeting business executives, university students and graduates.

Teams which partake in this competition run a virtual company by using computers with the objective of getting the highest Investment Performance (IP) on the simulated stock exchange.

Teams of three to five people are formed and compete by taking decisions in the areas of marketing, sales, production, human resources, finance, research and development, knowing that the other competing teams were operating in the same market and selling the same products.

This year’s finals took place in Sochi, Russia which brought 23 National Champions to compete for the world title.

The Ghanaian team represented by students from VVU pulled a surprise on the international community as they led the group stage (semi-final) with the highest Investment performance (IP) of #11,868,387.

The Ghanaian team beat last year’s international finals first runner up, Russia, and other competitors like Spain, China, Slovakia, India and Portugal of which some have participated for close to 30 years.

This performance saw Ghana team qualify to the finals where it placed sixth among eight finalist which made them win the admiration of the organisers of the competition and other corporate organisations present.

“This was as a result of the greenness of the Ghanaian team in the challenge, and their very first time of using the new system,” the statement read.

The Ghana team was represented by four students and a coach who was also a lecturer at the Valley View University.

Source: GNA