
Water Aid appoints Ambassadors for Water, Sanitation and Hygiene

Fri, 30 Mar 2012 Source: GNA

WaterAid in Ghana (WAG) on Friday outdoored seven Ambassadors of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) project to champion the cause of providing access to safe drinking water for underprivileged people.

They included Nana Kobina Nketia V, Paramount Chief of Essikado, Ms Akofa Ejeani Asiedu, an actress, Ms Samima Muslim, a broadcast journalist, Mr Nathaniel Kwabena Anokye Adisi, a broadcast journalist, Ajara Mohammed, an athlete, Mr Ben Brako, a legendary musician and performer and Ms Wilhelmina Abu-Andani, a songstress.

The ambassadors are expected by their appointment, to volunteer their time and efforts to help WaterAid, the international NGO, to increase its advocacy and campaign against unsanitary and unhygienic practices.

They would “popularise WASH messages through public speaking and presentation of campaign messages, inspire the youth and the general public on the need for improved sanitation and hygiene-consciousness through the use of television, radio and print media.”

The WASH ambassadors would support fundraising efforts of WAG.

Mr Brako, who spoke on behalf of the ambassadors, appealed to the citizenry to use the country’s natural resources, particularly water, judiciously and efficiently.

He said when proper management and oversight over the resources were properly executed, Ghanaians would wean themselves of donor support and free the citizenry from the “begging culture.”

Mr Brako expressed gratitude to WaterAid for the honour they had given them.**

Source: GNA