
We won’t allow few Chiefs to turn us into a political wing – Ave Chiefs

Orgbui Nyamekor Glakpe V Council

Mon, 15 Feb 2021 Source:

Some aggrieved Paramount Chiefs and stool fathers of the Ave Council of Chiefs in the Akatsi North District of the Volta region have called on the public to disregard recent statements purported to have emanated from the Council and signed by its President Torgbui Nyamekor Glakpe V.

The Chiefs include, Torgbui Kwame Dogli II of Ave-Dzalele, Torgbui Gbodzekpor III of Ave-Afiadenyigba, Torgbui Adogo Agbalekpor IV of Ave-Hevi, Torgbui Ahiabor Gamor III of Ave-Havi and Torgbui Dzidenu Zoglo III of Ave-Dzadzepe.

According to the Chiefs, the statements which were issued by the Council’s President Torgbui Nyamekor Glakpe V, were overly political and do not represent the Council’s position.

It includes a recent publication emanating under the signatory of Torgbui Nyamekor Glakpe V, seeking to endorse the re-nomination of former Volta regional Minister Dr. Archibald Yao Letsa and former Energy Minister, John Peter Amewu.

“This speech which was purported to have been issued in the name of the Ave Council of Chiefs had stated that the Council has congratulated President Nana Akufo-Addo for retaining former Volta regional Minister Dr. Archibald Yao Letsa and former Energy Minister, John Peter Amewu among his new ministers appointed. The release went on to say that the Ave Council of Chiefs had recognized the good work done by those two former Ministers and that they admire their new appointments,” a statement read by Secretary to the Council Mac-Solo Dziwornu Ziddah.

He stated also that, “This controversial release has attracted insults from some prominent Ave citizens outside Ave, who wanted to know if we the Chiefs of Ave have lost our heads or whether we are sick in our heads. Some wanted to know how the NPP in the Volta region would demonstrate against their own Klefe man only to be admired by the people of Ave. The NPP has described attitude of the Ave Council of Chiefs as absurd and asked us to to put on our thinking caps. The insults have kept on coming and we have thought it wise redeem our sinking image by putting across a counter press release.”

“Ladies and Gentlemen of the media, we the other five Paramount Chiefs of the Ave Council of Chiefs wish to inform the general public of Ghana that we disassociate ourselves from that press release. Those who issued the statement have not done that on behalf of the Council but have only represented themselves. They have gone to release that statement to satisfy their own selfish interest. We can not allow a few Chiefs of the Council turn the Ave Council of Chiefs into a wing of any political party,” he emphasized.

Mr. Ziddah further cited a number of occurances and conducts of leadership of the Council which includes Torgbui Nyamekor Glakpe V, (President), Torgbui Tamakloe XI (Vice President) and Torgbui Hodzi Dunyo (Vice President) which he says undermines the integrity of the Council.
