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Weija youth petition president

Thu, 2 Feb 2012 Source: The Citizen Newspaper

…To Consider Caesar Ahiabor’s bid

By Isacc Kyei Andoh

NDC youth groups in Ga South Municipal Assembly have unanimously endorsed Hon. Caesar Ahiabor to take up the mantle of manning the Assembly as MCE. In a press statement intended to catch the attention of the President of the Republic of Ghana, Prof. John Evans Atta Mills, the group led by Mr. Samuel Tinkorang, a youth activist known for his devotion to the development of the area, stated that for a long time, the Assembly has been deprived of a development oriented person who has what it takes to raise the Assembly to its deserving heights.

The groups have therefore tipped the former assembly member for Mampong Okai Electoral Area in Dansoman electoral known for his massive contribution towards the construction of the Dansoman market and the Dansoman Children’s Park to replicate his exploits as Assembly Member and contribute to the Accra Metropolitan Assembly during his time with them. “We need someone who has shown interest in this area and has the track record of achieving” Mr. Tinkorang said. Hon. Caesar Ahiabor was the Parliamentary Candidate for the party at in Weija Constituency during the 2004 Presidential and Parliamentary Elections but lost to Hon. Shirley Ayorkor Botchway, the then ruling NPP’s parliamentary candidate for the area.

In 2008, when he was then the most marketed candidate in the constituency due to his stints in the previous elections, the party hierarchy imposed Hon. Sherrif Dodoo on the constituents with the excuse that he was a Ga and was then more financially resourced to help recapture the seat from the NPP even in opposition; and for the love of party and intense pressure from some key functionaries back then Hon. Ahiabor bowed out from the race.

The NPP won the seat for the second time running even when many ignorant and ill informed persons alluded to the call for change throughout the Capital Region with little to know of its consequence in the future with the suffering of today a strong attestation to these claims.

The groups, who claim to have carefully studied the exploits of the many persons who have actually shown interest in the seat, believe that the only reason Hon. Ahiabor would be overlooked is his tribal leaning. According to them, people are playing the tribal card to favor them though it is clear that they lack the requisite competence and the ability to bring together the constituency that has been so negatively affected by tribalism. Despite claims that Hon. Ahiabor may be a victim of tribalism, key persons, ranging from Ga Chiefs to Ewe and Religious leaders, have sent countless petitions in support of this candidate to the president for approval of his candidature.

Amongst the various persons who made the petitions are, the Atofoatse of Bortiano, Chief of Tuba, Fiaga of Ayigbe Town and Imam of Ayigbe Town Central Mosque.

According to them, amongst the various candidates who have declared their intent to takeover, Hon. Caesar stands tall in terms of human relations, experience and he best represents the unity factor that has eluded the Assembly due to tribalism.

To them, his exploits and overall administrative prowess and innovativeness is what the Assembly needs to be able to catch up with its current development deficit.

They also revealed that since the previous Municipal Chief Executive was made to vacate his post on the grounds lack of cordiality in the Assembly, it is imperative therefore that his successor be somebody who has no linkage to the divide bodily or verbally.

Hon. Ahiabor is recognized as the only aspirant for the MCE seat who did not dent his image or get mixed up in the divisive tribal caucuses that ensured there was no cordiality whatsoever between the Municipal Assembly then led by Hon. Sherrif Dodoo and the Constituency led by Dr. Mohammed Agbeve.

Therefore, should tribal considerations play a part in the selection of the Municipal Chief Executive, the division would deepen and would play a key role in the selection of Parliamentary Candidate. Over 90% of the delegate there are Ewes who are likely to replicate what may have been done at the national level.

Hon. Ahiabor has however called on all the chiefs and groups recommending him to trust in the judgment of the President and support whoever is appointed. “At this moment, nothing matters more than the development of the area and the unity of this constituency and therefore I urge all who have shown that they believe in my capabilities to realize that I am not the only one fit for the job and the President has a pool of competent persons, which I am just part of, to choose from”

Source: The Citizen Newspaper (+233 27 731 4655)

Source: The Citizen Newspaper