
Widow's Might Ghana to support widows

Mon, 31 May 2010 Source: GNA

Accra, May 31, GNA - The Executive Director of Widows Might Ghana, M rs. Linda Hostetter, on Monday called on Ghanaians especially Christians, to provide for the needs of widows. She said many more widows suffered for the want of spiritual and material support and it was the responsibility of all to help them cope w ith their daily lives since the death of their husbands left them in devastat ing conditions.

Addressing a seminar on the theme: "God's Light Shinning To You and Through You" in Accra, Mrs. Hostetter said the pain that widows went thro ugh could be greatly reduced if they got a little help from their friends, an d if they talked with others in the same situation. In an interview with the Ghana News Agency, she said widows would be given an opportunity to learn some skills that would help improve their l ot and cater for some of their material needs.

She urged all widows to abide in Christ, rely on the joy of the Lord , pray without ceasing, always give thanks to God and stay in Christ. Mr. Samuel Akortey Akor, Executive Director of YESU DI YEN KAN, a Non-Governmental Organisation which provides financial assistance to the Widows Might Mission, said the organization had been encouraging widows t o maintain growth in Christ and mutually support themselves. He said the organisation provided micro finance credits to widows in

existing businesses, gave special business advice and facilitated the marketing of goods and services of its members. He noted that proposals had been developed to seek funds to help the

women to develop entrepreneurial skills for the widows. Mrs. Gladys Afarchoe-Odai, General Director of Board of Social Responsibility and Rural Development (BSRRD) of the Methodist Church, sai d it was a command by God for the well-to-do to care for the widows and therefore the BSRRD was helping to improve the economic status of such people by initiating programmes that would promote health and sound environmental practices among them. 31 May 10

Source: GNA