
Workers in new districts need motivation - DCD

Sat, 28 Oct 2006 Source: GNA

Essam (W/R), Oct 28, GNA - Mr Felix Chaahaah, District Coordinating Director (DCD) for Bia, one of the newly created districts in the Western region, has called for more state funding for new districts and motivation for their workers to bring governance to the people through the decentralisation policy.

He said even though the new district had been working hard to realise some of the objectives under which it was created, it was grappling with inadequate funding for the efficient running of the Assembly.

He was briefing the Ghana News Agency at Essam on the performance of the Bia district that was carved out of the Juaboso district about two years ago. Mr Chaahaah also mentioned lack of transportation and communication facilities, office and residential accommodation for staff and decentralised government departments as some of the problems facing the new district.

He said the Assembly was spending 17 million cedis monthly from its internally generated fund to pay salaries of its 25 employees. "Working in a new district such us ours is very challenging", he said, adding, "We need a well motivated staff and adequate support of central government to function more efficiently". He said the new district had been collaborating effectively with stakeholders, including the traditional councils and public and private institutions to provide more communities with good roads, health and education facilities and other infrastructure to quicken the pace of development.

Source: GNA