
Works on Oforikrom interchange to begin this year - MCE

Oforikrom MCE.jpeg Gloria Temma Gambrah is the Municipal Chief Executive of Oforikrom Municipal Assembly

Mon, 11 Nov 2019 Source:

Works on the construction of an interchange in Oforikrom of the Oforikrom Municipality of the Ashanti region is to commence before end of the year, 2019 and this is according to Gloria Temma Gambrah, the Municipal Chief Executive of the Oforikrom Municipal Assembly.

During a Meet the Press session Wednesday, Gloria Temma Gambrah indicated snippets of information gathered by her revealed the interchange is a project that would be started by the government this year, so as to most importantly, ease the heavy vehicular traffic on the stretch leading directly to Adum and Kejetia.

The stretch which also connects to some towns within the municipality, Accra, the Western and Bono regions often is prone to heavy vehicular traffic which in turn leads to a heavy human traffic which indirectly affects businesses and movement. This been a problem to pedestrians and road users has necessitated the need for the construction of an interchange.

All things been equal, the congestion witnessed now will be over with the hope that the construction of the interchange will commence this year as the MCE sounded very optimistic.

“From the information I have, before the end of the year the project will be started. It will help by reducing traffic in the Municipality and once traffic is reduced, it means that it is going to boost the economic activities within the Municipality” she averred.

Meanwhile, other developmental projects across areas within the Municipality since the Assembly was carved out of the Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly (KMA) was touched on.

Although the Assembly is an infant one, quite a number of success has been chalked. Below are some of the projects done by the Municipal Assembly within its one-year existence.

Routine maintenance of 16.20 km roads in the Municipality and will extend similar exercise to other communities within the municipality that are grappling with poor road network.

Water channels at Ayigya-Akatego, Emena, Accra Town, Anloga, Boadi, Apemso, Deduako, Kotei and Anwomaso have been dredged to manage disaster and flooding.

In the area of provision of water, the Assembly has drilled mechanized boreholes for residents of Deduako, Kotei-Twumduase, Anwomaso, Bomso (Tech electoral area) and the Kentinkrono CHPS compound.

The Assembly has also renovated a 10-unit classroom block at the St. Louis Senior High School (SHS) and has also built three-unit classroom blocks for the Oforikrom M/A, Apiadu M/A and the Ayeduase R/C schools.

The Bomso M/A, Deduako M/A and Emena M/A schools have also had their playing fields graded and levelled for them.

The Assembly has also constructed a wooden footbridge at Anloga- Susan Akyi.

42 market stalls at Kotei has also been constructed.

Streetlights have also been installed within some areas of the Oforikrom Municipality.
