
Workshop on Leadership for learning ends in Winneba

Fri, 18 Feb 2011 Source: GNA

Winneba (C/R), Feb. 18, GNA 97 The Director of the Institute for Educational Planning and Administration (IEPA) of the University of Cape Coast, Dr George K. T. Oduro, has said that the process of achieving qualit= y human resource development requires effective leadership for supervision an= d learning at all levels of the education sector.

''It is the opinion of the IEPA that unless leadership and supervis= ion at the school and circuit levels are strengthened, achieving quality in education will continue to be challenging, especially when we are transitin= g from centralised to decentralised system of education management''.

Dr Oduro said this at a two-day Leadership for Learning workshop for over 60 Metropolitan, Municipal and District Directors of Education from th= e 10 regions in the country at Winneba. Dr Oduro said Ghana should not be satisfied with the increased student enrolment rates in schools and the quality of visible structures developed in schools.

Ms Naana Biney, acting Director General of the Ghana Education Service (GES) said the GES had now integrated the Leadership for Learning (LFL) principles in its In-service training (INSET) programme.

She said in collaboration with the IEPA, the Teacher Education Division (TED) of the Ghana Education Service had so far organised in-service training workshops on LFL for over a thousand head teachers, circuit supervisors and Assistant Directors in charge of supervision. Ms Biney said a major challenge for the GES in this respect, however, was how to organise the workshops without taking head teachers out of the school during teaching and learning hours. She reiterated the importance of leadership in the pursuit of quality education and the need for the nation to support training programmes that seek to connect leadership and learning in the preparation of head teachers and circuit supervisors.

Source: GNA