
Wreaths laid to remember soldiers killed in line of duty

Thu, 12 Nov 2015 Source: GNA

A solemn wreath-laying ceremony was held at the cenotaph in Kumasi on Wednesday to remember officers and men of the security services killed in in the line of duty - wars and on peacekeeping missions.

In all, four wreaths were laid amid the rendition of traditional dirges by the military band. The first was by the Metropolitan Chief Executive (MCE), Mr. Kojo Bonsu, on behalf of the President and people of Ghana.

Brigadier-General Joseph Adu-Boampong, General Officer Commanding, Central Command, Baffour Owusu Asare Amankwaatia V, Bantamahene, and ex-Warrant Officer Aboagya Da-Costa of the Veterans Administration of Ghana (VAG) laid the rest.

On parade were contingents from the army, police, prisons, fire and immigration service, customs and excise division of the Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA) and the VAG.

The ceremony began with the pouring of libation and that was followed by Muslim and Christian prayers.

Immediately after, there was a reading of the Bible and the history of the Remembrance Day Celebration was given.

As the clock struck 1100 hours, the siren wailed, to recall the exact hour on the 11th day of the 11th month in 1918, when the guns fell silent and hostilities in World War One, ended.

This was preceded by the sounding of the knell and farewell call, as the large gathering rose to their feet.

Then came the reading of the Binyon Verses, the last post, and a minute silence to pay tribute to the fallen heroes.

Source: GNA