
Yammin dissuades NDC group from lobbying for him

Sat, 26 Jan 2013 Source: Ultimate Radio, Kumasi

Ashanti regional Secretary of the NDC, Joseph Yammin, is urging the Concerned Youth of the NDC to stop putting pressure on the President and allow him do his work. The group has been advocating for his appointment as Mayor of the Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly.

Reacting to the group in an interview with Ultimate radio’s Bernard Buachi, Joseph Yammin denied knowledge of the group and asked them to respect the right of the president to appoint and disappoint.

He advised the group to stop pursuing the agenda of lobbying on his behalf saying that it can coincide with the President’s appointments and consequently be interpreted as “undue pressure on the President”.

Joseph Yammin, who is touted as a hard working member of the NDC says however that he is able and willing to serve in President Mahama’s government if the President decides to give him that honour.

-Bernard Buachi, Ultimate Radio, Kumasi

Source: Ultimate Radio, Kumasi