
Young farmers calls for adequate financial support

Mon, 4 Apr 2005 Source: GNA

Gomoa Kyiren(C/R), April 4, GNA- A number of young food producers in the Gomoa West of the Central Region have called on the Ministry of Food and Agriculture to put in place a credit scheme for young and committed farmers in the rural areas.

Such a system would sustain their interest in farming and convince other jobless young men and women to accept and embrace agriculture. This was the outcome of a survey conducted by the Ghana News Agency at Gomoa-Kyiren, Amanful, Adam, Ngyiresi, Sampa and Gomoa Ankamu. The survey revealed that many jobless youth in the rural areas were prepared to stay in their towns and villages to contribute to the development of their communities provided they would be given adequate and moderate credit facilities to undertake agricultural ventures. They urged the Government to give serious consideration to the suggestion for the good of the nation.

They also appealed to the Government to attach great importance to small-scale irrigation systems in the communities to enable the youth into vegetable production to cultivate during the lean season. About 20 young people, including females were sampled in the survey.

Source: GNA