
Youth Training Centre for Sunyani

Thu, 26 Jan 2012 Source: Space FM,Sunyani

The Sunyani Diocese of the Methodist Church Ghana is rolling-out a strategy aimed at

equipping the unemployed members of the church; especially the youth with basic

vocational training to enable them to fend for themselves and lead responsible lives

in society.

In this regard, constructions works on a multi-purpose Youth Training Centre in

Sunyani will commence by March this year to, among others, train the youth in bakery

and sachet-water production.

The Centre estimated at several thousands of Ghana cedis, will also have a Guest

House, a Conference Hall, offices and a Residential facility for the Sunyani

Diocesan Youth Organiser (D.Y.O) of the church.

The Methodist Bishop of Sunyani, Rt. Rev. Kofi Asare-Bediako, announced this at the

joint induction service at the Good Shepherd Methodist at Abesim for both the

Sunyani Circuit and the Sunyani Diocese of the Methodist Youth Fellowship (M.Y.F).

The newly inducted MYF officers have Brother Emmanuel Munufie as the Chairman for

the Sunyani Circuit with Brother Joel Afrifa Kyei as the Diocesan Chairman and they

will serve for a non-renewable three year term of office.

Rt. Rev Asare-Bediako called on members of the fellowship and the entire membership

of the church to contribute both in cash and in kind toward the construction of the

project since it will create hands-on training and employment avenues for the youth

and other members of the church.

The Bishop encouraged the youth to study their Bibles, be prayerful and pay their

tithes as directed by the Bible.

He warned them against false doctrines and teaching as they are “misleading and not


For instance he said it is common today to hear people who profess to be Christians

or men of God praying to “kill their adversaries with heavenly ginger or heavenly


Rt. Rev Asare-Bediako stressed that this kind of prayer conflicts with the teachings

of the Bible saying, “God did not call us to pray with the aim of killing our

enemies but rather to bless them.

Quoting Matthew Chapter 5:33 and Romans Chapter 12, the Bishop emphasized that

christians are expected to remember to pray for their enemies at all times and do

good to them.

Source: Francis Owusu-Ansah, Space FM,Sunyani

Source: Space FM,Sunyani