The organization is focused on enhancing the lives of young people
The Youth Bridge Foundation has noted with concern an increasing phenomenon of young Ghanaians who should be leading the country’s democratic transformation alienated, marginalized and remain apathetic.
The Foundation has also identified through numerous engagements with young people a huge governance and democratic deficit in Ghana that needs attention.
As an organization focused on enhancing the lives of young people, the Foundation is launching a series of youth centered engagements dubbed “Youth Circle” to bring together young people and experts in governance and democracy to raise awareness and discuss the value of youth inclusive and responsive governance.
It noted, bridging the governance deficit regarding youth representation, participation, and policy influence is essential for the vitality of Ghana's democracy.
The Foundation maintains it is a collective responsibility that necessitates collaboration between governments, civil society organizations, and the private sector.
During YBF’s Citizens Forum on Youth Participation in Democracy, Elections, and Peace held at the Kofi Annan International Peace Training Centre in July 2023, participants raised concerns about the woefully low representation and participation of youth in governance.
Again at the 15th edition of the African Youth and Governance Convergence held in Mankessim, Ghana, youth delegates proffered solutions to the challenges of youth underrepresentation, noting that governments need to “create a youth-centered dialogue and interface between policymakers and grassroots stakeholders through the African Union's African Governance Architecture (AGA) and the African Peace and Security Architecture (APSA)”.
Speaking in an interview with Communications and Advocacy Officer of Youth Bridge Foundation, Gloria Emeka ahead of the series, she said it is essential to empower young people and ensure their voices are not just heard but acted on.
She said Ghana can harness its demographic dividend to shape a brighter and more prosperous future for its youth and make it truly representative of all its citizens.
Miss Emeka used the opportunity to call on development partners and other organizations interested in youth development to work together with the Youth Bridge Foundation to develop future series.
The first edition of ‘Youth Circle’ will be hosted under the theme: Youth Representation, Participation and Policy Influence: finding the missing piece in Ghana’s democracy and will be a moderated in-studio dialogue with youth and governance experts that will be streamed live on Facebook.
The target is in-school and out-of-school youth and youth with disabilities.
The maiden edition supported by Blue Skies, will be held at the YBF Hall of Impact in Accra on November 9, 2023 at 10:00GMT.