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Ghana is a den of thieves. He will not live forever to enjoy all that he has acquired through fictitious means. He should learn from the late Sir John and others.
You don't know the man. This is just a false publication.
We help secure your perimeter with modern ELECTRIC FENCE SYSTEMS that supports alarm system and backup battery system. We sell and install ELECTRIC FENCE & CCTV CAMERAS. Visit: for more info. FGGF
Cowards! Why are you hiding behind anonymity?
If you are brave and your concerns are valid, why choose to hide?
There's a good reason why most governments grant whistle blowers anonymity. There's always the potential for reprisals if the identities of the complainants are unmasked, and that can only discourage others from blowing the w ...
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The University might consider having a ceiling on the number of trips for its VCs in the near future is to prevent such abuses
Spending and wasting government money at the expense of poor students who can’t afford to pay fees or fees themselves and the university sponsoring of academics for international conferences to promote the university. Runni ...
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You're fake and very soon you'll be exposed. Keep spreading lies God is watching. If you're a man enough petition a court. Coward
Following the footsteps of akofo addo. High expenses travels. No wonder the vc was the first to honour akofo addo to a doctorate award. Why extend his contract while there are more capable hands to manage the university. A un ...
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How can you not pay your utility bills and provide accommodations for students yet managed to travel abroad at least twice a year. It’s a shame and no wonder His corrupt followers approved for his extension of contract a ...
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I support your points
This is his comment:
“I remember during the first year of Vcship, I teased you in a conversation that your fear of COVID-19 had made you a local VC and you explained that there was a lot for you to learn and understand ab ...
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Anybody who tagging the UCC VC with corruption doesn't really know him well. I've worked under various VC's and I can tell you that this new VC is the most incorruptible. If they have a genuine case why are they hiding as ano ...
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Why not come out with your to support him. Or you are also a coward. These are people still working under him and raising his corrupt practices to the media
Prof. Boampong is the best VC UCC have gotten so far. Stop spreading lies. That man is incorruptible.
Really, or you are enjoying from his purported corruption practices
When you destroy someone's life with lies, take it as a loan, it will come back to you with interest.
With interest. If you support someone’s corrupt practices, take it as a curse for you and the rest of your generation
No wonder, birds that have the same colours of wings fly together, all shall pass away team of criminals. Eyes are watching.
An appropriate investigation into the issues raised will afford all parties the opportunity to provide evidence and the needed explanations to put things into a proper perspective. Corruption is not written on anyone but the ...
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It's unfortunate though that at the tail end of his tenure as VC and carrier as an academic, this dent is being associated with him. I hope that the right measures will be taken to safeguard the University and the parties in ...
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I’m not surprised they way he runs family and friends business over there. Such people are full of corruption and they always uses God’s names in their justifications to deceive people. How can you waste public funds at t ...
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The authorities have powers to investigate others but not the criminalities within them. Eyes are watching