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Hello youth of Ghana. You can take your own life with medicine........for instance 10 paracetamol at once.......or combine medicine and
akpeteshie or weedicide.
This chief still wanna torment the thieves even in opposition.
This Omanhene be to much.....God bless your throne and all your subjects!
Kwasiasem penyi this is what you asked for
Nana you have made your people happy and that is good of a leader
Akuffo adui monkey addo and his party of criminals and traitors and thieves and bandits are dead and gone forever. Never again NPP. Bye bye npp and their Egyptians.
Gone were the days Chiefs were wise and respected. That cannot be said of today
And who caused am?
Hahaha hahaha hahaha, I laugh enter Cicilia Dapaahs bedroom Oooh Chaiiiiiiiiii.
This Chief should be very careful henceforth ooh. NPP will never forgive him.