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We are all bunch of jokers. Anyway where are the Obinims, Agyenasares, Duncan Williams and all the others?
You call that a man of God ? U want him to turn into a snake and bite the girl
What kind of bullshit is this?
And they call and condemn others as primitives,and look at what they are doing,are they any better
Trokorsi ewes
Antoa slave of Ashanti extract
What a sad stort
Anyone to help?
The so called men of God where are u
Every stupid thing in Ghana these days is always in Ashanti region,why?When it comes to education Ashantis can never never never compare themselves to the Ewes.
Every demonstrations begin and end there, no matter how good you treat them so far as it is not by the NPP they will never recognise talkless of appréciation.
So, why is Ashanti still the best place to live in Ghana? Even in Accra, where most of Ashanti money is forcibly sent to, so many people are suffering, that's why even Kayaye's are running back to Kumasi. God blesses people b ...
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When you decided to worship satan that will be your reward. Accept Jesus Christ and be free from demons attack.
This is unbelievable.
And have the gut labeling others primitive.
Either she is running away from the exams as she is aware of her inability of passing or she is mentally sick, and needs urgent psychiatric car instead of the none sense of fetishly possesed.Why are we that ignorant and gull ...
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You make more sense than the other commentators.
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Hello Am Mensah Fred I deal with LOTTERY NUMBERS
my numbers are deal game which comes from a TRUSTED SOURCE everyday.
The maximum win we experienced a week is THREE and the minimum is TWO .inter ...
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What is the local authority and the police doing?
There suppose to be arrest and put before court
Most of these spirit possessed are mental problems and it can easily be treated. Send her to the mental hospital
All christians and muslims should be exorcised, place them in a mental institution like yesterday!
Unslave the minds of Black Africans globally...start in Africa.
You have to be crazy to cut off women's clitoris and practic ...
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