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Current economic crisis does not lie in the hands of one person – Ghana Evangelical Society

49649250 Some executives of the Ghana Evangelical Society

Wed, 23 Nov 2022 Source:

The Ghana Evangelical Society has cautioned opposition political parties against making unsavoury and ill comments against President Akufo-Addo and his government amid economic challenges bedevilling the country.

The group described it as unfortunate, a situation where some self-seeking individuals take advantage of the situation to score some cheap political points.

Addressing journalists in Accra, General Secretary of the society, Janet Amegashitsi indicated such persons are aware of the truth, yet blame the Nana Addo-led government as responsible for Ghana’s woes.

“The Lord God Jehovah wants his humble servants of the Ghana Evangelical Society to call attention and warn all, especially politicians who know the truth about the current economic challenges facing the world and yet have deliberately, deceitfully, mischievously and wickedly raised their tongues against the sitting president and government as though they are solely responsible for the current happenings and are the cause of Ghana’s woes”

Madam Amegashitsi said the difficulties go beyond any human machinations but an act of God, adding as a Christian organization, the Ghana Evangelical Society will rise and lead action to seek the face of God.

She called on churches to rise and make intercessory prayers for restoration.

“The Lord God Jehovah wants the church to rise in action, in the unity of the common faith to call on God”. Let the church lead the President, government, nation and people in all humility to cry and call upon Jehovah God. He’s ready to hear, answer, heal and save his nation”.

Madam Amegashitsi, assured Ghanaians that there is hope for the country regardless of the hardships, adding people should have trust in God alone as he is the only one to redeem the country from the economic challenges.

“The current economic crisis and challenges do not lie in the hands of any politician, any technocrats, nor men’s wisdom, ideas and knowledge. No man is and can be the saviour or redeemer of the current crisis. The wind that is blowing across the Nations is of God. No one has an answer, God is on the throne” she added.

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