
Zoroastrianism : A Better Form Of Religious Philosophy

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  • Fred Shekleton 11 years ago

    Watching BBC News 24, here in Dublin.
    An item came up where a Zoroastrian family was interviewed. Interesting item.

  • Eunice Bimpong 11 years ago

    Thought-provoking piece. Thx for sharing.

  • kululu 11 years ago

    so far as ones place or country of birth, the environment in which you lived, the limitations and unexpected developments characterising ones mental range of ability is concerned, it cannot be wholly accepted that what we get ...
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  • Shana 11 years ago

    "Then said Jesus unto them again, Verily, verily, I say unto you, I am the door of the sheep. All that ever came before me are thieves and robbers: but the sheep did not hear them. I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he ...
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  • Gagantuan Ganaman 11 years ago

    Do not think of tomorrow, tomorrow will take care of itself. consider the birds of the sky, they plough not,yet they are taken care of by the day, how much more about you. No child ask bread of the father and is given stone. ...
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  • Campus Ministry Report!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 11 years ago

    It is erroneous to say that the religious practices of Abraham, Jacob and Isaac and Moses are entirely different from what Jesus taught.
    Jesus came to fulfill what was in the OT.

    All the Patriarchs prophesied about the ...
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