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Prophet T.B Joshua is the comforter Jesus spoke of!

Tue, 15 Oct 2013 Source: henry allotey

The disciples of Jesus had infected the whole of Judea with the teachings of Christ. So infectious was their preaching that the Sadducees and the Pharisees have been alarmed. They called the Disciples of Christ and warned them to stop teaching about the Christ. The response of the disciples is captured at Acts 5: 28, 29 and I quote (saying, "We gave you strict orders not to continue teaching in this name, and yet, you have filled Jerusalem with your teaching and intend to bring this man's blood upon us." But Peter and the apostles answered, "We must obey God rather than men.)

Take note of the verse 29: We must obey God, RATHER than men! Obedience to the total will of God will forever take precedence over that of men. This has always been my guiding principles. I always obey the voice of God rather than that of men.

The last article I wrote concerning God’s Prophet T.B Joshua elicited tremendous response from people of all walks of life. I had over 700 calls and countless emails mostly commending me for my article. I was amazed at the level of support and love Prophet T.B Joshua enjoys from people. This is a testimony that truly, people are gradually realizing that all the lies and hatred that has been directed towards his way has been an exercise in futility. Take it or leave, Prophet T.B Joshua is a true man of God!

I also had some calls that poured insults and invectives on me. One prominent Pastor called and threatened me to stop testifying about the man of God. To such a pastor, I say I must obey the voice of God as ruler, rather than that of men! It is my conviction and assured belief that Prophet T.B Joshua is a true man of God who has an unblemished record as far as his Christian life is concerned!

Who is the advocate or comforter that Jesus talked about at John 14:15, 16?

John 14:15, 16 states ("If you love me, you will keep my commandments. “I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may be with you forever; that is the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it does not see Him or know Him, but you know Him because He abides with you and will be in you.…) Let us dissect this scripture very well and I will tell you how it applies to Prophet T.B Joshua.

Jesus Christ was about to depart the earth and the disciples were duly worried. They were worried because he has been their comforter and their protector when he was with them. Now he was about to go so he had to assure them that his absence will not mean they will be left alone. He promised to send them a comforter, or an advocate to be with them, protect them and comfort them in his absence. He also told them that the advocate will be the spirit of truth whom the world cannot perceive because they don’t know him but true disciples will know him because he dwells among them. So, who is this advocate or comforter that Jesus is talking about here?

Jehovah’s Witnesses believe that the advocate or comforter Jesus spoke about is the Holy Spirit. They believe that the comforter came in 33 CE when the disciples were filled with the Holy Spirit at Pentecost 33 CE. They quote scriptures like Acts 2:1-4 to support their claim. It reads: (When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. 2 Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. 3 They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. 4 All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues[a] as the Spirit enabled them.)

But, is this scripture enough to convince us that the Comforter Jesus spoke about at John 14:16, 17 is what took place at Pentecost 33CE? Hardly! Let’s go back to John and take note of verse 17. It says (That is the Spirit of truth, Whom the world cannot perceive, because it does not see Him or know Him, but you know Him because He abides with you and will be in you.…) Note: WHOM THE WORLD CANNOT RECEIVE! This shows that the comforter will be with us BUT the world will not receive because it neither sees him nor believe in him. This shows that the comfortable is a fleshly person whom the world will not accept because they don’t know him.

What took place at Pentecost 33CE was a manifestation of God’s power on the disciples which was clearly SEEN by people around them at that time. It cannot be the comforter Jesus spoke about.

Some Muslims also believe that the comforter applies to their Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). They strongly argue that Jesus was talking about another prophet who will come after him to comfort the world after his departure. They claim that Christianity was corrupted after the death of the apostles so Muhammad’s coming was to restore true worship in the world. That is why Muslims accept the 4 gospels of the bible but reject the others. But, can we apply the comforter tag to Muhammad (PBUH)? NOT IN THE LEAST!

The Comforter was supposed to comfort the followers of Jesus Christ who will suffer persecution in the hands of the unbelievers. Jesus Christ never said the comforter will start a new religion nor compete with his church. We can also state that Christianity and Islam have been at loggerheads since time immemorial. Muslims only tolerates Christians when the latter is in a majority but where Muslims have outnumbered Christians, the latter has always lived in hell. Truly, Muhammad cannot be the comforter Jesus spoke about at John 14: 16 and 17. So the question is: Who is the comforter then?

The comfortable is none than Prophet T.B Joshua! People may find it hard to believe but a close scrutiny of his personal life and the church clearly proves that his ministry has been a blessing to mankind since he started. Prophet T.B Joshua has been a comforter since his ministry started and he has been a blessing to everybody who has come in contact with.

Remember, the world will not receive this comfortable because they neither see him nor accept him. Can anybody point to one Pastor who has been vilified, insulted and persecuted than T.B Joshua? Can anybody tell us how many false videos, audios and false books have been written about any Pastor than Prophet T.B Joshua? How many Pastors have been insulted by their own colleagues than T.B Joshua? Can all those insulting Prophet T.B Joshua tell us a single crime he has committed to warrant their vilification? None! I repeat none!

Prophet T.B Joshua has been a comforter to those who thirst for spiritual truth, those who long after salvation, and those who cry out for spiritual help. Prophet T.B Joshua has consistently acknowledged the saving power of Christ and has consistently exalted Christ. He has attributed all his miraculous healings to Jesus Christ and not himself. He always calls himself a humble servant of God and Christ.

Everybody who has come into contact with him has been blessed and comforted. His T.V station Emmanuel T.V has provided comfort to everybody irrespective of where you live. He has been Christlike in all his dealings.

Can anybody tell us who trained Prophet T.B Joshua in his ministry? Does he have a human mentor like all those Pastors parading around? Who laid their hands on him? The answer is none! As the comforter prophesied by Jesus Christ himself, he does not need any human mentor to begin his ministry! His mentor is Christ who ordained him and commissioned him as a comforter to mankind and to God.




Source: henry allotey