
120 more supporters to cheer Queens

Fri, 5 Sep 2003 Source: GNA

Accra, Sept 5 - GNA - One hundred and twenty supporters from the Ghana Football Supporters Club are gearing up to move to the United States of America before the Black Queens, the female national soccer team begin their assault on the Women's World Cup.

Muhhamed-Awal Abdul Majeed, chairman of the Club said they have concluded all arrangements for the trip and barring any unforeseen circumstances, members will be in Los Angeles before the competition begins on September 21.

In an interview with the GNA Sports, the chairman said flight arrangements have been concluded as bookings have been made with the British and American Airways to airlift the team from Accra through London to Los Angeles.

He said the team will depart Accra on a British Airways flight on Friday, September 19 and connect an American Airways flight from Heathrow arriving in the in the United States on Saturday, September 20.

Majeed said members of his club have been counselled sufficiently about the need to comport themselves while in the United States as their conduct will be an international testimonial for the Ghanaian.

He said reservations for lodging have made for the supporters at Los Angeles Back Packers, Paradise Hostel, Flamengo Hotel and Hostel, Orange Drive Manor Hostel, Hostel Califonia and Hollywood International Hostel and assured them of their comfort while in the US. The supporters' club chairman said they have practised many songs and drum beats, which will inspire the players and excite soccer fans at the stadiums.

He said unlike in the past where the focus was on Nigerians supporters for their continuous chants and drumming, the Ghana Football Supporters Club is determined to leave an indelible mark of cheer and fanfare at the competition.

The trip of the club will swell the Ghanaian cheer group as Abraham Boakye, popularly referred to as One Man Supporter travelled to the United States recently to solicit for funds to complement the requirements of his cheer group.

Meanwhile, reports reaching Accra from the Queen's camp in the United States indicate a good tournament for the women as they are said to be in peak form.

They played seven friendly matches, won two, drew three and lost two. 5 Sept 03

Source: GNA