
500 Security Men At Kotoko-Hearts Match

Sat, 20 Jul 2002 Source:  

More than 500 security personnel are to be deployed on Sunday as part of measures to forestall any breach of the peace during the Kotoko-Hearts Premier League Match at the Accra Sports Stadium.

This follows a meeting between the National Security Council and the National Sports Council (NSC) on measures to prevent the recurrence of the May 9, 2001 Disaster during which 126 football fans died. Speaking to the Ghana News Agency on measures being taken to forestall any nasty incident the Greater Accra Regional Police Commander, Dr Kofi Kesse Manfo said 350 uniformed Policemen and 150 soldiers would be positioned within and outside the stadium.

An unspecified number of plain-clothes men would be among the spectators adding that, they have adequate preparations on the ground to ensure absolute sanity. Dr Manfo said spectators would be thoroughly searched before entering the stadium and those caught for possessing any illegal material would be prosecuted. He said any person found with hard drugs, knives, pistols or any weapons would not be spared. He said the NSC has banned the sale of alcohol at the outskirts of the stadium during the match while heavily drunk persons would be prevented from entering the stadium.

The Regional Commander advised spectators to be tolerant and refrain from heightening tension and not to indulge in making derogatory remarks that might trigger off any hostility during and after the match.

He said people should contain themselves no matter the outcome of the results since it is only a game and any side can win or lose. Dr Manfo said seven ambulances; doctors and paramedics would be on standby during the match while personnel of the Motor Traffic and Transport Unit of the Police would be available to control traffic.
