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Court throws out Olympics request

Fri, 15 Apr 2005 Source: GNA

Accra, April 15, GNA - An Accra High Court on Friday threw out a plea by relegated Great Olympics seeking an interim injunction restraining the commencement of this year's GT Premier League scheduled for Sunday.

It was thrown out because the club refused to serve the Ghana Football Association (GFA) with the application in order to enter appearance.

Great Olympics are contesting their relegation on grounds that last season's Zonal structured league was not national in character. An attempt by the club's officials to present their case before Congress, the highest decision making body of the GFA for discussion failed as it was voted out.

The club said Congress erred by voting the case out because it did not form a quorum and therefore threatened a court action. Olympics and B. A. United were the bottom clubs in Zone B and A respectively and were automatically relegated.

Source: GNA