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Dwarfs draws with Manchester United

Sun, 8 Mar 2009 Source: GNA

Twifo Praso, (C/R) March 8, GNA - Twifo Praso based Manchester United played a determined game to hold the Under 20 side of Ebusua Dwarfs to a 1-1 drawn game in a special soccer match played at the Twifo Praso Sakora Park to climax the 52nd Independence Anniversary celebrations at Praso on Saturday.

The Praso boys who took control of the match right from the blast of the whistle opened the scoring in the 10th minute through midfielder John Mensah. Supported by their teeming supporters, the home side continued to dictate the pace of the game and nearly increased the tally but their right winger, Eric Acquah faced with only the goalkeeper score shot off target.

Dwarfs warmed themselves into the game and kept Manchester United under heavy pressure until the 40th minute when inside right Peter Edu scored the equalizer with a beautiful header. Both teams played a determined game in the second half but there were no further scores till full time.

Source: GNA