
Essien is Guinness Ambassador

Guinness Ghana Breweries has signed Black Stars midfielder,Michael Essien as the first Guinness Football Ambassador.The campaign, launched at the trade fair centre in Accra includes the unveiling of an iconic poster featuring Essien. Speaking to the media, Essien said " I am very excited to be Guinness's first football Ambassador and truly feel proud to be part of the greatness that is african football.

I hope i can act as a source of inspiration for many football fans across Africa, in the same way that Tony Yeboah and George Weah inspired me to reach Greatness within my football career".

This initiative builds on Guinness's existing Greatness campaign,which celebrates the Greatness that Guinness believes every man is capable of achieving-not just the Greatness of once in a lifetime achievements,but also in the acts of inspirational behaviour that men all over Ghana display everyday. Shirley Shooter,Head of marketing for GGBL said:"GGBL believe that there is greatness in Ghana's football players and in the nations passion for football. We can never forget the millions of the fans who have been there every step of the way as we have achieved football greatness.This campaign therefore will enable football fans to experience the greatness in the passion we all share" In addition to Michael Essien activities,Guinness football Greatness will comprise a range of initiatives that will allow fans to feel the power and share the glory of African football.

Agnes Emefah Essah,Marketing Manager Guinness said:"GGBL have a long -standing association with Ghana's Black Stars and we believe that there is greatness in our players".

The fee for Michael Essien was not disclosed to the media.GGBL also promised a package for the Blackstars at the appropriate time before Ghana 2008.

Source: kwadwo-ntim micky charles (