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Match Commissioners to attend refresher course

Mon, 11 Jan 2010 Source: GNA

Accra, Jan. 11, GNA - The National Association of Match Commissioners of Ghana have invited its members within the Greater Accra Region to participate in a special two-day non-residential refresher course. Ofori Antwi, an executive member of the Association in a release copied to GNA Sports, said members of football Match Commissioners are to attend the course which comes off on Saturday, 16 and Sunday, 17 January at 8.00am each day at the Ghana Football Association's Conference Room. The release said very important handouts on , 'Changes in the Laws of the Game as well as presentation of certificates to be endorsed by the Chairman of the Regional Football Association would be presented to all participants.

Accra, Jan. 11, GNA - The National Association of Match Commissioners of Ghana have invited its members within the Greater Accra Region to participate in a special two-day non-residential refresher course. Ofori Antwi, an executive member of the Association in a release copied to GNA Sports, said members of football Match Commissioners are to attend the course which comes off on Saturday, 16 and Sunday, 17 January at 8.00am each day at the Ghana Football Association's Conference Room. The release said very important handouts on , 'Changes in the Laws of the Game as well as presentation of certificates to be endorsed by the Chairman of the Regional Football Association would be presented to all participants. Meanwhile all members interested in the refresher course should cone along with their participation course fee of 15.00 Ghana cedis. 11 Jan. 10

Source: GNA