
Osei Kufuor Apologises To Black Stars

Fri, 14 Dec 2001 Source: .

Ghanaian International and Bayern Munich Defender, Samuel Osei Kufuor has reacted to a query issued by Black Stars Coach, Osam Duodu asking him to withdraw certain statements he made about the Black Stars or risk being dropped form the Mali 2002 team. We bring you a full text of the reaction.

I have followed the reaction to an interview I granted BBC Sports Online with a mixture of surprise, regret and pain. First let me get down to the substantive issue. Yes I told the BBC we might struggle in Mali because of the FA’s poor organization but nowhere in the interview did I suggest that the players called up are incapable of bringing glory to the state as comments on the story have sought to create.

Howbeit, I wish to apologise most sincerely to coach Fred Osam Duodu and the entire playing body for any trouble my comments might have caused them. It was never my intention to downplay the ability of the players already assembled or to question the competence of the coach.

As someone who has benefited immensely from the national teams and after several years playing football at the very highest level, I will never question the ability of a team I am part of. In deed that would be highly unprofessional and unpatriotic on my part. In fact in the interview, I made it abundantly clear that we are capable of beating Morocco if we motivate ourselves.

It is a clear manifestation of my belief in the ability of the players to deliver. As a footballer, I known what inner motivation can do for footballers as talented as the ones we’ve called up. In questioning the manner ex-captain Akunnor was dropped, I was only drawing attention to the way our football authorities treat players. I understand Akunnor has no divine right to a place in the team but I was only expressing my view like every Ghanaian when I said he should have been called up.

Once again, I am sorry to my colleague players, the technical team and officials of the FA for whatever inconveniences my comments have caused. It was never meant to cause any harm.

That said, I am baffled by threats that I would be withdrawn from the national team. In the past three months, I have talked passionately about the Nations Cup and will play with all my heart for the people of Ghana through whose support I have made it this far.

I am sorry but I have always felt our FA’s organize poorly and current FA member Abedi Pele was very vocal on this matter during his playing days. It is also a fact that the current FA boss Ben Koufie has drummed home since taking over the position and has promised reversing it.

This notwithstanding, I wish to assure the nation I would do all in my power to contribute to the success of the Black Stars at Mali 2002 and in all future commitments.

Yours in the development of Ghana football
Samuel Osei Kuffuor (Black Stars and Bayern Munich)

Source: .