
Pediatorkopey win Ada annual Zone (B) Inter Schools football

Sun, 26 Jun 2011 Source: Dennis Narterh Adzigodi

*By: Dennis Narterh Adzigodi, S**occer Factsfile Newspaper.***

Pediatorkopey D/A school has won this year’s annual inter schools football competition held at Gorm J.H.S school park at Gorm Ada.

The three days sports festival brought together schools from the Ada zone (B) circuit that comprises Big Ada Presby, Methodist, Asidahey International School, Alorkpem, Gorm and Pediatorkopey Schools to compete in volley, athletics and football for both boys and girls.

In the boys under 15 football final match, defending champions Pediatorkopey Schools from the Island of Ada defeated Asidahey International School 5-4 on penalties after ninety (90) minutes of goalless action. Pediatorkopey schools also placed 3rdin Athletics, 2nd* *in Girls Netball, and Fourth in Girls Volley competition.

In the football 3rd* *and 4th* *play off, Alorkpem also a school from the Island of Ada defeated Big Ada Presby School by 11- 10 on penalties after 1-1 draw in the 90 minutes.

The 3-day annual school competition saw a showcase of exceptional* **football skills** by t*he participants especially players from Pediatorkopey schools which led to five of their players been picked by* **De Nart Soccer Academy*, a newly formed* **Soccer Academy** *in the* **Dangme East District*.

In the closing remarks the Zone (B) circuit supervisor Mr. A.D Asamani urged the pupils to take the sports very serious alongside their studies since sports has become a very lucrative business. He has therefore advised them to train hard to emulate the likes of* **Michael Essien*,* **Stephen Appiah*, Usain Bolt and others so as to bring laurels to their district and schools in future.

Mac Nii Sowah, Aloso, Philip Aryerh and other school teachers were the school officials who helped in officiating for all of the 3-*day sports** * activities.

Selected candidates from all the participating schools will represent the zone (B) circuit at these years annual inter zonal schools competition to be held at Pute, Ada in three weeks time.

Source: Dennis Narterh Adzigodi