
Pitches to be constructed in all regions

Kwesi Nyantakyi2

Fri, 5 Aug 2011 Source: GFA

Football at the grassroots level is to secure major infrastructural development with the construction of pitches in each of the 10 regions nationwide by the Ghana Football Association.

The GFA over the years has improved the game at all levels and in many areas such as training of personnel and provision of equipments for the juvenile game.

However, the GFA intends to continue improving on the many initiatives with President of the sport body, Kwesi Nyantakyi, informing Congress that pitches would be constructed in every region to boost the game as well as financial support for clubs.

"During the year many courses were organized for coaching and refereeing to further the frontiers of our development activities. We shall continue to undertake many of the initiatives I mentioned to you during the last Congress.

"They include training programs for all juvenile coaches this year free of charge, the construction of a pitch for each region and the support given to clubs participating in Africa, among others," Nyantakyi told Congress.

Source: GFA