
Polo FC win ASK Foundation Under 13 League

Mon, 16 Dec 2013 Source: Sammy Heywood Okine

The Mallam Mustapha Park

in the Islamic Education Institute at Nima was the action spot last Saturday

when six juvenile clubs gathered for the grand finale and honours day after

participating in the African Sports Kids Foundation Under 13 League which began

on September 28, 2013 to December 14, 2013.

Polo FC who exhibited

wonderful football talents won the exciting competition that attracted kids,

youth and the elderly to watch proceedings.

Special guest of Honour Rev.

Osei Kofi, a retired national footballer who has played two times at the

Olympic Games adviced the winners and participants to take football serious if

they want to earn something from it.

He told them to take

their education serious and respect the elderly. He noted that if they are

disciplined, they can go anywhere and mingle with big personalities in society.

The Chief of Nima, Nii

Futah also urged the ASK Foundation to maintain and sustain the programme a it

is a positive initiative to get children in school and allow them to do sports.

Little sensation Enoch

Otoo of Polo FC was voted the best player. The smallish rising star was a

delight to watch dribbling the big boys and being kicked left and right, but

was bold and strong to get up and play again.

Otoo is certainly a star

in the making and the ASK Foundation has promised to monitor him and if

possible link him to a football academy like all the players who were selected

after the league.

Some institutions and

organisations that have supported the ASK Foundation are Print Court Media,

Also supporting the idea

are the Ministry of Youth & Sports, the Ghana Football Association and the

Professional Footballers Association who have donated balls to be presented to

the participants and winners, the Sports Writers Association of Ghana (SWAG)

and the Ghana Beach Soccer Association (GBSA)

The participating teams

were Polo Football Club (Kotobabi) who automatically won the league even before

the finals because they acquired massive points, follow by Nima Amighty Kiitos

FC, Legon All Stars, Heroes FC, Dynamic FC and Assyriska Football Club.

Mustapha Mohammed,

President of the ASK Foundation said the Brazil Soccer Academy and other partners

in the United Kingdom are very mush impressed with the organization and hope to

support them in the new future.

Source: Sammy Heywood Okine