
Sattelittes to play Scotland?

Mon, 2 Sep 2002 Source: .

Scotland Under-21 coach Rainer Bonhof is still hoping to hold a winter training camp despite opposition from club managers.

Bonhof has met with top officials from the Ghana, Saudi Arabia and Turkish Football Associations to organise games during the January break.

But the German admitted his plans have sparked concern among top bosses who want to protect their young stars.

However, he is refusing to buckle and is determined to go ahead with his proposals no matter who he upsets along the way.

Bonhof said: "We are finding some winter training opponents over the next months so we are in contact now with Ghana Under-21, Saudi Arabia and Turkey so we have several opponents to play.

"It's possible that I want those games in the winter."

SPL managers have been co-operative despite misgivings over games being played during the break.

"Sure they had arguments about the winter training camp," admitted Bonhof.

"They said the players have to rest after a long season. They finish January 2 and start again on 28, which isn't a long time.

"But it doesn't matter because I am going forward and looking at a winter training camp."

Source: .