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Keta Beach SC to Face Stiff Sanctions

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 Source: Ghana Sports International

The Ghana Beach Soccer Association (GBSA) is set to impose heavy sanctions on the manager of Keta Sunset Sports, Ruben Adjahoe for bringing the association into disrepute. The Keta boss displayed abusive and provocative language towards clubs, GBSA officials and dignitaries present at the finals of the 2012/2013 beach soccer league season demanding monies he claimed was owed his club.

The GBSA has however confirmed that the sanctions will not affect the playing body of the team who, led by captain Julius Ceasar Beckley who showed exemplary professional conduct by going against the orders of his club manager to receive their medals and winner’s trophy from the La Mantse Dr Nii Kpobi Tettey Tsuru III.

The GBSA has commended the players for showing respect and sportsmanship towards clubs, dignitaries and most importantly the La Chief who sat and watched the entire coronation event which lasted almost five hours.

This season's coronation day was almost ruined when the Keta manager and his assistant "snubbed" the presentation claiming that there was a 50% reduction in the prize money he was to receive.

However in a statement by the GBSA, spokesman George Addo explained that in a meeting held between the executives and club officials during the course of last season, it was agreed that the winners prize be reduced from Gh5, 000.00 to Gh2, 500.00 to help cater for division one teams.

Indeed out of the Gh40, 000.00 a season sponsorship package by Cal Bank, each championship club received an amount of Gh1, 500.00 with division one clubs taking an amount of Gh 400.00.

In a desperate bid to earn sympathy from the media, the Keta manager has embarked on a campaign of moving from one radio station to the other accusing the GBSA President of ''stealing'' his team's Gh2, 500.00

A member of the GBSA and CEO of East Legon Sharks has poured cold water of the accusations saying people should not pay attention to Mr Adjaho because he goes out of control when he is ‘’drunk’’.

'' I wonder why radio stations are giving this drunkard the air time to misbehave. Instead of asking how the GBSA even survives with a weekly organisational cost of approximately Gh3, 000.00 over 18 weeks, he is lying and trying to muddy the waters''

The GBSA disciplinary Committee will meet on Thursday to sit on the matter to apply the necessary sanctions on the Keta official who has a reputation for rowdy behaviour.

Meanwhile GBSA officials led by the President Yaw Ampofo Ankrah have paid a courtesy call on the La Mantse at his palace to officially apologise for the behaviour of the Keta official.

Other officials were Mr. Fred Afful (La Beach Management Member) and captain of La based club La Yoka, Nii Laaye Bonney.

Source: Ghana Sports International