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$200,000 GFA Bribe Scandal

Tue, 20 Jan 2004 Source: THE STATESMAN

The controversy surrounding Ghana's search for a new national team coach has taken a new twist with claims by the Statesman newspaper that an attempt was made by a party interested in the job to bribe Ghana Football Association Chairman Ben Koufie and Minister of State responsible for Sports Rashid Bawa.

According to the Statesman it is that failed attempt which has led to what the paper calls the "smear campaign" against Portuguese Mariano Barreto who is favourite for the job

The 46-year old could seal a deal with Ghana but media reports in the last few days have questioned his credentials with some claiming he lied about some of the positions he claims to have once occupied.

For instance, his CV says he was one time assistant manager of German side Borussia Dortmund but the Soccer Express newspaper debunked that. The paper said its enquiries at the German club suggested Barreto had only been a physical trainer of Portuguese star Paolo Soussa who played at Dortmund.

He has also been described as a purely physical trainer without the required expertise in first team coaching but the Statesman says all those allegations are informed by sinister motives.

Quoting FA chairman Ben Koufie, the Statesman said a German who had put in an unsatisfactory bid for the Stars job for its client had attempted to bribe himself and Bawa with $200,000 in exchange for the job.

Koufie said the FA had turned down the German's offer because they wanted Ghana to employ four coaches as a team at the same time at a cost of 39,000 Euros.

'' In one phone call, he threatened me:' Ben Koufie if you don't accept this you'd regret it - so I asked him: what exactly do you mean? His response was that:'we know that the government is going for election this year. But we are prepared to give you an the minister $200,000 if you prepare the contract with us. We will also give you a big envelope and even some for the ruling party.''

The latest twist has all added up to the controversy ahead of Barreto's planned negotiations with the FA this week.

Even if a deal is sealed with Barreto, the controversy preceding his appointment is likely to follow him throughout his stay here.

Meanwhile, the Statesman says it would come out with the "true credentials" of Barreto soon. Watch this space!