The Western Regional Minister Hon. Joseph Nelson has appealed to officers of the 2ND Infantry Battalion of the Ghana Armed Forces (GAF) to rededicate themselves to the fight against illegal mining activities in the country particularly in Western Region where he said the environment was seriously under siege.
To the extent that illegal miners could take over roads, forest cover, main water bodies to destroy them without recourse to the very survival of Ghanaians was unacceptable.
"Regardless of who is involved in this enterprise, ours is to do something about it, so that our lives will be better"
The Minister said "To think that our very survival as a people is under threat, we have to act"
Addressing the soldiers at a short ceremony organised by the 2BN Command to brief him about their presence, operations and challenges, the Minister appealed to the men in uniform to rededicate themselves to this course without fear or favour
He said the entire nation was at risk of losing the country to few greedy elements milking the country through destruction and devastation of the environment to enrich themselves "All of us are at risk" he said
"As a lead institution, I call on you to rededicate yourselves to this course. Let's us wage the war together and deal with the challenges of illegal mining "
On the actions and in action of the illegal miners, in corrupting the system to sustain their operations Hon. Joseph Nelson pointed out that "these are people who have money"
Nonetheless, the Minister who is the Chairman of the Regional Security Council (REGSEC) said the officers who would be deployed to the battle field in confrontation of the illegal mining activities must endeavour to live above reproach and avoid being influenced by monetary considerations "If you are called to duty, apply discipline. Don't allow your love for money to sway you.
Discipline will be much needed here"
Instead of thinking about monetary considerations, he said they should rather think about Ghana and Ghanaians "Love for the state, love for our own lives" he remarked
Under the circumstance he said Ghanaians would be looking upto the military in decisively waging the war against illegal mining and winning the war "We will be relying on you and your command" Hon. Joseph Nelson emphasised
Explaining the dangers associated with the canker the Minister noted "In their quest to make money, they are putting the lives of the rest of us at risk"
He observed that the struggle that Ghana Water Company goes through in processing water, should be a wake up call on all Ghanaians.
He said his commitment was high and that he expected same from the 2BN unit "No long speeches, it affects you, it affects everybody"
As public servants, the Minister said Ghanaians expect them to perform to the expectation of all "Ghana expects us to do our best"
As Chairman of the Regional Security Council he again reminded the soldiers of what is required of them all "We are here for service. I'm here for service. You are here for service."
He added "The reward for good service, if I may emphasise, is great. As you serve in this office, you are indirectly serving humanity because it is service to mankind"
Aside that, he noted "If we are able to do that, this country will be better for it"
For the current state of Ghana's mining areas and the repercussions of illegal mining activities on the environment he declared the obvious position being held by majority of Ghanaians "It is so so alarming"
In terms of the next level of action against the canker, he warned "This time, it must be done with some renewed commitment"
The impact of the environmental destruction and its attendant effect on unborn generations, he said couldn't be quantified.
But, once the country regains the environment through concerted effort, he said "All of us will be celebrated for defeating the menace".