The Ghana National Flag was designed by Mrs. Theodosia Salome Okoh, to replace the flag of the United Kingdom upon the attainment of independence in 1957.
The Ghana flag at that time is believed to have been designed based on a mere theological philosophy which represents the people of Ghana and Africa back in the '90s, so there's a belief that Mrs. Theodosia Okoh during the selection of the colors was based on the situations surrounding the people of Ghana and what she can see and not considering the spiritual aspect which is bright future, aspiration, and Hope of the good people of Ghana.
In May 1959, a third star was added. Following the January 1964 constitutional referendum, Ghana adopted a variant of the 1957 tricolor with white in the place of yellow, after the colors of Kwame Nkrumah's ruling and then-sole legal party Convention People's Party, making it similar to the flag of Hungary, which was changed back to Mrs. Theodora’s red, gold, and green with the black star at the middle.
A flag is one of the most defining symbols of a country and its people, and all countries in the world have distinct flags with designs attributed to their wealth, history, cultures, beliefs, hopes, and future. While many countries have had a single flag in their histories, some have had several flags adopted by their governments. A common reason for a country’s decision to change its flag is to symbolize a change in leadership or change in ideology.
I recommended the Ghana flag be redesigned to Red, Gold, and Green with a white Star in the middle and the white/Bright Star representing the bright future, aspiration, and Hope of the good people of Ghana.
RED: Represents the blood of those who died fighting for independence from Great Britain
GOLD: Represents the country's mineral wealth
BLACK STAR: Symbolizes African emancipation and unity in the fight against colonialism. Some say is because we are Blacks.
GREEN: Represents the country's rich forests and natural resources.
As Ghana has decided in the 2024 election to reset the Nation,
One major and sensitive reset we as a nation need to make is our mindsets, future, and hope which has become very necessary the color of the Star needs to change to white which emulates our mindsets, behaviors, and speech as Ghanaian
As the whole nation decided to embark on a journey of resetting it became necessary to start by taking our beloved country from the gloomy BLACK shell that had covered our shining star all these years.
Because Stars are meant to shine bright for all to see even in darkness, a Black star cannot shine in darkness. A star is meant to shine deep in the universe for the whole world to see only during at night.
CHANGE OF NAME “Black star to BRIGHT STAR” Biblical background
In the same Bible God deliberately changed some prominent people's names before they became great for example Abram – Abraham, Sarai – Sarah, Jacob – Israel, Saul – Paul.
One most interesting ones is when John was born and the family wanted to call him by his father’s name which is Zachariah Elizabeth led by the spirit of God said he would be called John and the father also endorsed the name by writing John on a tablet for the baby to be called John and grace fell upon his father and he started to talk, no wonder the meaning of John is God is gracious. Luke 1:59-63.
Some names and their meaning…
Abraham which means "father of many nations" Abraham is considered the Father of Faith for all believers.
Peter means a massive stone formation or bedrock.
David means Beloved and a man after God's own heart.
These and many more.
The meaning of names is significant as well as the name.
In the Book of
Genesis 1:14-18
“God spoke Lights! Come out! Shine in Heaven’s sky! Separate Day from
Night. Mark seasons, days, and years, Lights in Heaven’s sky to give light to Earth. And there it was. God made two big lights, the larger to take charge of Day, The smaller to be in charge of Night; and he made the stars. God placed them in the heavenly sky to light up Earth And oversee Day and Night, to separate light and darkness. God saw that it was good.”
Matthew 2:2
“They asked around, "Where can we find and pay homage to the newborn King of the Jews? We observed a star in the eastern sky that signaled his birth. We're on pilgrimage to worship him."
This means everybody has a star that shines, so then our stars are bright, ought to be white which emit light and brightness into our destinies.
These and many more scriptures confirm that stars give light, shine, and emit brightness physically when it comes to their name and spiritually when it comes to the meaning of the star.
So therefore I make my case of suggesting the name of the black star and its color be reset/changed to BRIGHT STAR and its color to WHITE in the middle of our Ghana flag.
RED: Represents the blood of those who died fighting for independence from Great Britain
GOLD: Represents the country's mineral wealth
BRIGHT STAR: Symbolizes Bright future, hope, and unity among Ghanaians and Africans.
GREEN: Represents the country's rich forests and natural resources.
All previous names are to be changed to new names
Black Star Square - BRIGHT STAR SQUARE
Black star – BRIGHT STAR
Black Starlets – BRIGHT STARLETS
Black Queens – BRIGHT QUEENS
Black Meteors – BRIGHT METEORS
Black Maidens – BRIGHT MAIDENS
Black Princesses – BRIGHT PRINCESSES
Black shacks – BRIGHT SHACKS
And all these football teams will be bright in all tournaments and competition they participate in.
We will be the shining Stars of Africa and the world at large.
1. Only the Black star changed to a White/Bright Star which Symbolizes a Bright future, hope, and unity among Ghanaians and Africans.
2. If all the regions are reset to ten regions as they used to be, then Ten White/Bright stars will represent all the people in the ten regions in a circle around the Big White/Bright star representing Ghana.
3. If the sixteen regions will be maintained then sixteen White/Bright stars will represent all the people in the sixteen regions in a circle around the Big White/Bright star representing Ghana.