A devastating accident occurred on the Abura Dunkwa to Assin Fosu road when a heavily loaded tipper truck's cargo fell onto two parked vehicles. Despite the severity, all individuals involved miraculously survived, with the truck driver sustaining only minor injuries.
The incident has sparked outrage among Ghanaians, who blame overloading, reckless driving, and poor road safety practices. Many are calling for stricter enforcement of regulations and regular vehicle inspections.
Eyewitnesses claim that authorities often turn a blind eye to overloaded vehicles, contributing to preventable accidents. Social media users expressed concerns:
- "Authorities failing to enforce laws and inspect vehicles are equally responsible."
- "Reckless drivers can take away innocent lives."
- "Overloaded vehicles pose significant risks."
The accident serves as a cautionary tale:
- Be cautious when driving near heavy trucks.
- Avoid staying close to them for extended periods.
- Advocate for improved road safety practices.
Two people lost their lives, including an eight-year-old girl, and several others were severely injured .
The accident occurred on the Abura Dunkwa to Assin Fosu road, which is approximately 48 kilometers long .