The damaged Sprinter bus at the accident scene
Ten people are said to be in critical condition at the Osino Health Centre following an accident at Osino at the Fanteakwa South District in the Eastern Region early Monday morning.
The accident involving three cars; a Hyundai Urvan mini-bus with registration number GT -6794- 12, an unregistered Chevrolet saloon car with number plate DV-1423A and a red Sprinter bus, happened right in front of the Osino Police Station when personnel from the Koforidua MTTD were inspecting roadworthy certificates and license of drivers.
According to eyewitnesses, officers from the Koforidua MTTD with registration number GP 3141 caused the accident when they made the driver of the Hyundai Urvan mini-bus park on the shoulders of the road for inspection, blocking free movement of vehicles.
Whilst the driver of the mini-bus was about leaving the scene, the driver of the Sprinter bus at top speed crashed into the bus causing the accident to occur leaving passengers in both cars injured.
The driver of the white Chevrolet car escaped unhurt when his car was hit by the Hyundai Urvan mini-bus as a result of the impact by the Sprinter bus.