
15 Miners Trapped Underground


Fri, 4 Jan 2008 Source: Panapress

... Rescue team battles to free
Rescue workers are fighting to free 15 miners of the multi -national mining company, AngloGold Ashanti, at its North Mine in Obuasi in cent r al Ghana.

Several miners were trapped when an attempt by thieves to steal electrical cable s started a fire that destroyed a conveyor belt at the company's Engineering dep a rtment.

"There were 22 miners trapped but seven have been rescued," an official told rep orters. He added that efforts were being made to get the miners to use another s h aft.

Initial reports said about 500 miners were trapped but Ernest Abankroh, Country Manager of AngloGold Ashanti, denied the rumours.

AngloGold Ashanti Limited is a global gold mining company with mines on four con tinents. It was formed in 2004 by the merger of Anglogold of South Africa and As h anti Goldfields Corporation of Ghana.

AngloGold Ashanti Limited is listed on the New York, Johannesburg, Ghanaian, Lon don and Australian stock exchanges, as well as the Paris and Brussels bourse.

Source: Panapress