
2006 Nov/Dec SSSCE Results Released

Tue, 27 Feb 2007 Source: GNA

The West African Examinations Council (WAEC) yesterday announced that it had released the results of the 2006 November/December Senior Secondary School Certificate Examination (SSSCE) saying the results of 246 candidates had been cancelled.

A statement signed by Agnes Teye-Cudjoe, Senior Public Relations Officer, said the affected candidates were involved in various examination malpractices such as bringing mobile phones and prepared notes into the examination hall, tearing parts of their question papers and answer booklets and collusion.

It said 329 candidates, who were involved in impersonation, had their entire results cancelled and had been barred from taking examinations conducted by the Council for two years.

WAEC said the results of 254 candidates had been withheld pending investigations into various irregularities. A total of 115,199 candidates registered for the examination. It said individual statements of results would be mailed to addresses provided by candidates and candidates could also access their results online.

Source: GNA