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2016 video of how a popular prophet stopped sermon midway, broke down in tears over sinful church members emerges

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Sun, 7 May 2023 Source:

But for the intervention of his wife and some church leaders, Prophet Francis Kwateng, the Founder and General Overseer, of House of Power Ministry International, nearly gave up shepherding his thousands of church members in a 2016 church service.

In the video which has gone viral and sighted by GhanaWeb, the prophet, while addressing his church members, dropped his microphone over what he described as the sinful acts of his members.

Wearing a yellow and blue African print church cloth, the popular prophet, who seemed overwhelmed by his church members' behaviours, announced that he was going to close down all branches across the country.

"People abroad are watching us. They have stopped every sinful act they are engaged in, but you are directly here, under me, and you are still engulfed in your sinful acts.

"After all my teachings, you have still not stopped your sinful acts. Those sins that made life difficult for you hence pushed you to come to me for help.

"If that is the case, then there is no need for House of Power. I will collapse all the branches. The pastors can take whatever branch they want. We have to collapse all the branches so that you can go back to those your churches," he exclaimed in the video sighted by GhanaWeb.

Prophet Kwateng added that he had noticed that most of his members were only following him because of miracles.

Feeling disappointed, he reiterated that he would wash his hands off his church members.

"Because you people are not ready to listen to what I teach you, we will close service right now; we won't do anything today.

"So, you are only here for the miracles, so you can go back to your sinful acts afterwards. Is it because of miracles? I will collapse the church today.

"I say I cannot do anything, I can't. You guys continue the service. Today, I wash my hands off your blood, all House of Power members," he said.

Walking off the pulpit, his wife and some church leaders approached him to try to calm him down.

The conversation, which went on for some time, pushed some church members to shed tears, while others knelt to apologise for their behaviour.

Eventually, the popular prophet returned to the pulpit, however, asking his members not to be too excited.

He then urged the members who are still engaging in sinful acts to go back to their old churches.

Meanwhile, GhanaWeb has confirmed that this old video was during 2016 31st December watch night service of the church.

Watch the videos sighted by GhanaWeb below:

