Security analyst, Dr. Adam Bonaa
Security analyst, Dr. Adam Bonaa has advised the government to resource the Ghana Police Service in order to handle the 2024 election without falling on other security agencies for help.
This comes on the back of Ghana’s Presidency rejecting allegations in the public domain of politically motivated changes in the Ghana Armed Forces (GAF).
In a statement signed by the Communication Director at the Presidency, Eugene Arhin stated that the publication alleges further that a meeting was held at the Presidency on Tuesday, 2nd January 2024, to discuss the so-called politically-motivated changes in the Ghana Armed Forces.
According to him, the meeting held with Heads of Security agencies at Jubilee House on 2nd January 2024 is an annual feature on the President’s calendar at the beginning of the New Year.
Speaking on Morning Starr with Francis Abban, Dr. Bonaa stated that there is some level of tension in the system already with regard to the 2024 election therefore a well-resourced police service will help.
“Jubilee house if you ask me I think that they will have to help the Police, give them resources, make sure that they have adequate resources, and recruit more into the service. Because the more police officers the less we will want the military and other security agencies to support election security.
“We are going into 2024 elections there will be no chaos whoever wins we swear you in and you know the NPP says they will break the 8, NDC says those who put you into suffering must go,” Dr. Bonaa stated.
He continued: “So we are watching, some of us will not leave the space we are going to be here to make sure that 2024 around this time today 5th we will be preparing to swear in the incoming President by 7th of January 2025. Which I think we should all be concerned about.”