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250 people chased out of Awudua

Sat, 25 Dec 2004 Source: GNA

Tarkwa (w/r), Dec. 25, GNA - 250 citizens of Awudua near Tarkwa in the Wassa West District were yesterday chased out of the town as a result of chieftaincy dispute.

Two vehicles, Renault Bus with registration number GR 2950 V and a taxi with registration number AS 5203 U were also burnt. In addition, a number of houses, a chemical store and provisions shop were also burnt.

Currently, the 250 people made up of women, children, young and old men are now putting up with relatives at Tarkwa and Prestea. The problem started as a result of a Press Conference, which was called yesterday by Nana Afua Yaadwo II, Queen mother of Awudua. The press conference was a sequel to the press statement issued on Friday, December 17, 2004 by the minority youth of Awudua, calling for an end to the protracted chieftaincy dispute in the town.

Preceding the press conference, Nana Yaadwo said a misunderstanding ensued between the minority youth group, who wanted to welcome her and the majority youth, who were the supporters of the Queen Mother and the Kingmakers.

She said, burnt on fomenting trouble, one Kennedy wielding a hammer smashed the windscreen of a taxi car with registration number AS 181 R belonging to the Queen Mother and cracked the windscreen of another pick-up belonging to Nana Broon, a sub-chief of the town.

Nana Yaadwo said this sparked off confusion and in the process the minority youth were chased out.

In another version, Nana Brihene Keegyah, a youth leader calling for an end to the chieftaincy dispute in the town, said supporters of the Queen Mother started giving warning shots after a misunderstanding to scare he (Keegyah) and his group away.

He said later supporters of the Queen Mother went on rampage and burnt houses and belongings and stores of those, who had flee the town. Again, Keegyah said the rampaging youth cut down cocoa and plantain plants in a nearby farm belonging to Nana Kwaku Baah, who is an elder brother of Nana Angu.

He said a Renault bus with registration number GR 2950 V belonging to one Opia Mensah was set ablaze in addition to a taxi car with registration number A S5203 U.

Meanwhile, Nana Yaadwo explained that though peace is needed in the town, the settlement of the chieftaincy dispute, which had been going on between Nana Kwabena Angu II, and the Kingmakers and the Queen Mother on one side, does not rest in the hands of the youth.

She said this is because the youth in the town had not preferred any destoolment charges against Nana Angu and can never do so as far as traditional norms and legalities are concerned.

And that, she continued, the earlier press conference held by the minority youth was influenced by Nana Angu, who gave some of the youth money to demonstrate against the Queen Mother and her supporters.

Nana Toku a sub-chief of Wudua has warned that unless the government takes immediate security measure, the displaced people would mobilise themselves and go to the town to face the supporters of the Queen Mother.

Source: GNA