
3% Common Fund allocation to PWDs inadequate – Esther Nyarko

Apraku Nyarko Director 8 Kumasi Metropolitan Director of the Social Welfare Department, Apraku Nyarko

Tue, 6 Oct 2020 Source:

The Kumasi Metropolitan Director of the Social Welfare Department and Community Development has stressed on the need for Ghana to pay more attention and offer support to persons living with disabilities.

She said, the 3% allocation of the District Common Fund to the marginalized in the society is “woefully inadequate” and has called on individuals and private entities to complement government efforts through donations to such persons.

Madam Apraku Nyarko advised the public to desist from addressing persons who live with disabilities as “disabled". She explained that there are different descriptions and categories of disabilities.

The Chronicle newspaper reports that the Director also indicated that, the standard of living of PWDs must be improved by eliminating the gap between such persons and ordinary citizens.

The 3% Common Fund for Persons with Disability is allocated to help address the several challenges that confront these persons in the various parts of the country.

Madam Apraku Nyarko also touched on the need for authorities to desist from diverting the limited funds allocated to PWDs.
