
402 million cedis spent on J. H. Mensah's building?

Tue, 23 Oct 2001 Source: Evening News

Minority Leader, Alban Bagbin has accused J. H. Mensah, Senior Minister and Chairman of Government’s Economic Team, of using as much as 402 million cedis to renovate his official residence.

This action, according to Mr Bagbin, sharply contrasts the government’s own policy of fiscal discipline and moderation at a time when the whole country is being called upon to make sacrifices.

Mr Bagbin said in an interview that there was no need for the government to vote so much money into the renovation of a colonial building which some of them presently occupied.

He was commenting on the revelation that 4.2 billion cedis had been voted by the government for the renovation of official bungalows of present Ministers of State to enhance the performance of their duties.

The Minority Leader said the remedial works on the buildings would have partially solved the problem of accommodation facing public and government officials.

He disclosed that the previous government was trying to create a situation to allow ministers and other senior public officials to find their own accommodation. Mr Bagbin also expressed dismay at the government’s intention to discredit the previous administration and hoped that something would be done to stop the harassment of past government officials.

Source: Evening News