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4th edition Of Mohammed VI Foundation Qur’an competition held

Participants of the Mohammed VI Foundation Qur’an competition

Mon, 23 Jan 2023 Source: Muhammed Faisal Mustapha

The Ghana branch of the Mohammed VI Foundation for African Oulema has organised its 4th edition of the Qur’an recitation competition last Thursday.

The competition is categorised into three parts; memorisation of the full Qur’an in the conventional Hafs style of recitation, memorising of full Qur’an in the Warash style of recitation as well as proficiency in memorising five thematic parts of the Qur’an known as Ahzaab – in a variety of styles of recitation.

At the end of the two-day event, the winner of first position in each of the three categories will emerge to represent Ghana for the Africa-wide grand finale which will take place in the coming month of Ramadan in a virtual format through zoom platform to be coordinated from Morocco.

The competition is aimed at inculcating the urge to learn the book of Allah as a guide to shaping the lives of African Muslim youth on earth to gain salvation in the hereafter.

Addressing participants at the event, the president of the Ghana branch of the foundation Sheikh Mustapha Ibrahim revealed that the foundation is aimed at bringing all African scholars under one umbrella to promote peace and straighten the Islamic religion.

He added that the Ghana branch of the foundation will be engaging its leadership to outline other activities for it to support other areas to be of help to the Muslim Communities in Ghana.

Sheikh Mustapha Ibrahim revealed that the Moroccan Embassy through the King of Morocco, His Majesty Mohammed Sadis VI has been granting Hundred (100) scholarships in various categories which include Engineering, Medicine, and Pharmacy among others for Ghanaians.

He believes the Ghana branch of the foundation is in negotiations with the leadership of Morocco to donate a certain percentage for Muslims.

He reiterated that if the request is granted, the Ghana branch of the foundation will focus on only students who have memorised the Holy Qur’an adding that students with Qur’an memorisation will be good at practicing Medicine, Engineering and among others.

The Moroccan Ambassador to Ghana, Her Excellency, Mrs. Imaane Ouaadil who was the special guest of honour reiterated that the foundation will include some activities to the already existing ones to benefit many people.

She congratulated the contestants and expressed her satisfaction with the conduct of the competition. Mrs. Imaane Ouaadil commended the organisers of the event and prayed for Allah’s abundance of rewards for their dedication and hard work.

Below are the full results of the competition>


1st. Mukaffa Abdul Aziz

2nd. Mahmud Muhammad Mahmud

3rd. Emran Edris


1st. Muhammad Thani Muhammad

2nd. Muhammad Awal Yakub

3rd. Issah Sibaway


1st Shaban Abdul Rahman

2nd Hibatu Saalah

3rd Aishatu Salmah

Source: Muhammed Faisal Mustapha